
All posts tagged email


5 Essential Tips for Writing IT Service Emails

Being able to provide customer support over email is actually a huge advantage for IT services. Not only is every email an opportunity to build the trust of your customers, it’s also incredibly effective at helping retain or gain repeat customers. Email has one of the highest ROIs of any digital marketing channel, which is why it’s important to take advantage of this often-ignored moment of customer connection. Following these tips will make sure you write your IT service emails in a way that builds customer relationships instead of breaking them down.

J.C. Granger5 Essential Tips for Writing IT Service Emails

Data-Backed Email Marketing Tactics That Are Killing It Right Now

For years, the industry has loudly proclaimed the impending death of email. Ignore them—email continues to be the number one direct channel to your customers when taking daily use and consumer preference into consideration.

J.C. GrangerData-Backed Email Marketing Tactics That Are Killing It Right Now