

#BeRealShow Podcast: J.C. Granger Gets Real About The Future of BizTech

The Be Real Show Podcast invited our fearless CEO, J.C. Granger, to be a guest on the podcast. In episode #255, J.C. discusses creating sustainable marketing systems and infrastructure, generating ROI, and making room for the option to sell your tech company. 

Be Real Show podcast focuses on helping ad agencies, PR firms, digital agencies, and marketing consultants with business and social strategies.

Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher

Infinity Marketing Group exclusively helps SaaS & Tech companies grow their businesses faster by developing proven digital marketing strategies and campaigns.

I know how hard it can be to grow a company. Most of the time, it feels like you’re throwing money out the window and seeing no return. When Infinity Marketing Group was started, I wish I had someone to guide me in the right direction. 

Our goal here at Infinity Marketing Group is to be the resource for you that I wish I had for myself years ago.

Having the right marketing strategies and campaigns in place is one of the major things that separate the most successful companies from the ones that struggle to survive. SaaS and Tech companies are generally excellent at what they do, but they struggle at creating the right marketing strategies for scaling and generating a steady pipeline of new paying customers.

I built a business that develops the exact marketing campaigns SaaS and Tech companies need in order to grow quickly and be profitable. We can help you show the people who need your product exactly where to find it! 

If you’re still reading, then maybe I’ve struck a cord in you? Let’s connect.

Send me a message on LinkedIn and we can discuss any marketing issues you might be having. My team and I are here to help. 

Learn more at


J.C. Granger#BeRealShow Podcast: J.C. Granger Gets Real About The Future of BizTech

SaaS Pricing Models: Where Should You Start?

In the world of SaaS, there is an overwhelming number of pricing models available, that it’s almost impossible to know where to start. Being the founder of a SaaS marketing firm, I’ve marketed or implemented almost every type of pricing model there is. However, the one pricing model that is beyond the best, is something I like to call “Benchmark Freemium.” According to Hubspot, the freemium pricing model, a combination of free and premium, is “a two-tiered user acquisition model that splits users into either a free tier or a premium tier depending on whether or not they pay for an account.” But there is a twist to Benchmark Freemium: your software or service is free until you’ve hit a designated benchmark.

Have you ever heard of Slack?

I’ll give you an example. Slack, a cloud-based messaging software for companies and organizations, has one of the most brilliant pricing models I’ve ever seen. Slack offers its software for free, all features included. That is until you reach 10,000 messages. 10,000 messages sounds like a lot, but is it? Slack carefully decided on this benchmark, because when you hit 10,000 messages on Slack, you’re already hooked. You’ve seen the value. You’ve adapted Slack into your day-to-day processes and most likely, you can’t go back to your pre-Slack office days.

The biggest advantage of using the Benchmark Freemium pricing model is that once your customer hits the benchmark, it’s almost guaranteed that the customer has already adopted your software into their systems. The conversion rate of trial users becoming paying users is almost always north of 90%. However, in order to attain this kind of success, you must choose your benchmark wisely.

One rule with SaaS pricing models: Never set your benchmark on a timeline.

Believe me, everybody is over the two-week trial periods. Instead, follow Slack’s example and set your benchmark on usage. Trial and test to see what is the right amount of usage before you start. If you set that benchmark too low, your users may have not used the software enough to convert the user. If you set that benchmark too high, you could potentially be losing money by not acquiring that paid user sooner.

Need help setting your benchmark for the Benchmark Freemium pricing model? Get a full understanding of your usage numbers with a pricing model expert.

J.C. Granger is the CEO of Infinity Marketing Group. Infinity Marketing Group is an inbound marketing agency headquartered in Denver, Colorado that specializes in helping SaaS companies achieve their lead generation goals.

Connect with J.C. on LinkedIn and download his free eBook, “3 Essentials of Inbound Marketing”.

J.C. GrangerSaaS Pricing Models: Where Should You Start?

Do Financial Goals Matter? (Hint: They Don’t Mean Crap)

Goals are weird. There’s a significant emphasis on having them in every part of your life. We even have a whole month that’s basically obsessed with setting new goals for your life and your business. The other day I was talking with a friend, and he asked about the financial goals that I had for Infinity for the year. I sort of blew his mind when I replied: “I don’t have any.”

J.C. GrangerDo Financial Goals Matter? (Hint: They Don’t Mean Crap)

Read (And Obey) My “90 Day Rule” Or You’re Completely Screwed

The world is full of rules. Some of them you need to follow, and some of them are more of a “guide” so that you don’t make the same dumb mistakes other people have. Well, the 90-day rule is one I promise that you should be following if you want to build your business and find success. It’s also pretty brutal, but here it is: if you don’t get the results that your client wants, no matter how much they paid you, the amount of money spent is utterly irrelevant in this equation. If they pay you $500 bucks a month or they pay you $500,000 a month, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t get your client the results they expected you would in 90 days, you’re screwed.

Yep. I said it. You’re screwed and here’s why you’re screwed…

It’s because everyone has a clock ticking away inside their heads as much as we all want to ignore it. This includes every client you have now or will ever have in the future. To help you fully understand this rule, here’s an example that we can all understand- your child is off playing on the playground, and you’re kicking back on the bench. All of a sudden you’re like, “Hey, where’s my kid?” That little timer goes off in your head, and it tells you that you’ve not seen them and you should have. It creates some panic, fear, anger and maybe even distracts you from what you were doing just before the timer went off.

For a parent guarding their kid, it’s about 90 seconds, but when it comes to a client safeguarding their businesses success, it’s 90 days. The feelings, however, are all the same.

If you don’t think you can do what they want to happen or at least get them on a solid road to those results in 90 days, don’t take them on as a client. I assure you, it won’t be worth the money.

Wait? What did you just say?

I realize that you just thought in the back of your head that’s crazy because you need clients and you need to make money. It’s okay. I used to think that way too.

Here’s the thing- if you make a promise of improving SEO and getting them to page one and you honestly have never done that before, it’s going to smack you in the face pretty fast when you realize you can’t reach that goal.

Sure, you might make some progress but if this goal doesn’t meet the client’s expectations you’ve just shot yourself in the ass. You’ve overpromised SEO results and set that company on a path that says in 90 days they are going to see SEO magic happen but you know you can’t do that, you only hope you can. It’s like telling a kid you’re taking them to Disneyland but instead, you pull up at a Chuck E Cheese (WTF Mom).

This is why I tell our prospects “Give me your budget and give me your goals.” This way I can see if the things I am going to promise to deliver are even possible. When I have everything in front of me, I can assess if I can or cannot produce what you expect to the standards of my company. If I can’t produce it in 90 days I won’t accept you as a client because I know that you will more than likely cut and run, be upset, and in some cases, you’ll tell your friends and colleagues that my company didn’t deliver. You want to make sure that you are providing good value for your clients and over promising is not going to deliver the results either of you wants, and no one wants that to happen.

So here’s a quick tip.

Although I usually give tips geared to software companies and tech companies, this applies to everyone. No matter what your business is if a client hires you to provide a service to them and you do not give them measurable, reasonable results in the first 90 days, you’re screwed, and after a few years of doing this, you won’t be in business much longer.

Make sure that what you’re offering and presenting to the world as your capabilities will allow you to provide measurable results that’ll make them happy in the first 90 days. If you do that, you buy yourself more time. If you can get them to a specific mile marker, they will extend your time so you can “finish the race”, so to speak. Client relationships are like time trials. That’s how it works when it comes to any service base. Of course, if you have the tools or resources that you can knock their socks off with, and you can give them instant results, start with that. It’s okay to wow them, but it’s not okay to overpromise.

Smart businesses that serve others need to have measurable outcomes and defined parameters of what the organizations they serve can expect. So providing your clients their “ask” in that first 90 days is a must or you’re (as I clearly like to say)…screwed.

So if you’re reading this and are struggling with your marketing efforts and want some help from a company that you know won’t take you on unless they can get you results in 90 days or less, contact us at the info below. Happy to help.

J.C. Granger is the CEO of Infinity Marketing Group. Infinity Marketing Group is an inbound marketing agency headquartered in Denver, Colorado that specializes in helping SaaS companies achieve their lead generation goals.

Connect with J.C. via Linked in or by email at Download his free eBook, “3 Essentials of Inbound Marketing”.

infinityadminRead (And Obey) My “90 Day Rule” Or You’re Completely Screwed

3 Ways Your SaaS Can Utilize Video Marketing Right Now

If you’ve been wondering where you need to up your SaaS Company’s game, there’s been a ton of talk this week about video marketing. Did you hear that LinkedIn is the latest to jump on the live streaming content bandwagon? Although some think they are late to the game, I think they’ve been smart to wait. This is going to be huge for their channel and guess what? It could be huge for your company too. If you’re looking for creative inspiration on how to include video in your SaaS company’s marketing strategy here’s what you need to know.

infinityadmin3 Ways Your SaaS Can Utilize Video Marketing Right Now

Using the Power of Industry Reports to Showcase Your SaaS Company

Industry reports are a great way to show that your company knows everything there is to know about the industry that you are in. It’s your opportunity to let the world know that you not only have a great deal of knowledge regarding your industry but also that you are current with the trends, changes, and expectations of your niche. It’s also a great way to build authority and help your company blog become a resource.

J.C. GrangerUsing the Power of Industry Reports to Showcase Your SaaS Company

How SaaS Companies Can Re-Target Their Email List with Facebook Ads…

Did you know that you can use your existing email list to retarget your Facebook Ads? Though it sounds complicated, it’s actually a simple way to make a big impact on those that are already interested in what you do. Here’s how to retarget your email subscribers to build authority, refresh interest with your software and create opportunities for those that love what you do to share.

J.C. GrangerHow SaaS Companies Can Re-Target Their Email List with Facebook Ads…

Which Devices Should SaaS Companies Target More for Marketing: Mobile or Desktop?

When looking at marketing for your SaaS company, many people think that the focus should be mostly on mobile marketing. This is because these days people are using their phones for just about everything. With that said, it’s important to really look into the specifics of a SaaS company and the “why’s” behind someones need for what you offer.

J.C. GrangerWhich Devices Should SaaS Companies Target More for Marketing: Mobile or Desktop?

Here’s How Your SaaS Can Double Its Revenue Through Co-Marketing

When creating a marketing plan for your SaaS company, it’s always smart to find new ways to get more bang for your buck. Co-marketing allows two or more companies that provide services to the similar group of people to work together and create ways to reach a new audience. This allows you to do less work and reach a bigger audience while costing you half the amount of money you would normally spend. Who doesn’t want that?

J.C. GrangerHere’s How Your SaaS Can Double Its Revenue Through Co-Marketing

5 Essential Tips for Writing IT Service Emails

Being able to provide customer support over email is actually a huge advantage for IT services. Not only is every email an opportunity to build the trust of your customers, it’s also incredibly effective at helping retain or gain repeat customers. Email has one of the highest ROIs of any digital marketing channel, which is why it’s important to take advantage of this often-ignored moment of customer connection. Following these tips will make sure you write your IT service emails in a way that builds customer relationships instead of breaking them down.

J.C. Granger5 Essential Tips for Writing IT Service Emails

How SaaS Companies Can Crush Social Media

Marketing for Software as a Service is different than marketing software traditionally. It’s also different than marketing a true service, since you still have to focus on selling the product. Luckily, the unique marketing advantages of social media for SaaS help make marketing for software in this space easier. Social media may be a needed part of your digital marketing arsenal to start, but a smart marketer can make it work especially well for SaaS.

J.C. GrangerHow SaaS Companies Can Crush Social Media

The Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics Most SaaS Marketers Will Miss in 2018

The Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics Most SaaS Marketers Miss

We all are aware that conversion rate optimization, when implemented correctly, can completely transform your business online. But marketers often jump in with stars in their eyes and begin testing random things like the site’s button colors, images, fonts, headlines, etc. All this ends up leading to is disillusionment, and organizational support wanes as inconclusive tests show low ROI.

J.C. GrangerThe Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics Most SaaS Marketers Will Miss in 2018